John and I made the impromptu decision to start Lincoln on rice cereal this week. I say impromptu, because we had decided to wait a few more weeks as he didn't seem to be overly hungry after finishing his bottles and we weren't quite prepared with all of the baby paraphenelia that you "need" to actually feed him solid foods...BUT...several nights in a row of his typical 7 am wakeup getting earlier and earlier made us (me) a bit desperate.
So, we used his swing as a high chair and dug the spoons we received as a baby gift out of the closet (thanks Gable!).
We were pretty sure that the majority of the cereal ended up on his bib (and our theory was confirmed when he woke up at 4am, argh), but he was SO cute trying to eat it up!
You'd actually think that for a baby who spends his entire day trying to put everything his little hands can reach in his mouth that he'd have had a little more success keeping the cereal inside his mouth...but apparently, that whole swallowing thing is hard!
SO...if you need to find me this week, I'll be out looking for high chairs (preferably one that matches my decor...ah, you modern folks have it SO much easier when it comes to finding attractive baby "stuff"...I've yet to find a fab french country inspired high chair) :)